Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dinner at Jen's

On a recent Fall evening, Jen invited Peter and I over for French onion soup and home-made French bread. This all went wonderful with home-made margaritas (a traditonal Fall beverage in Vermont) and Peter's mulled wine. Here is the story of our night in five acts. . .

Act I: Jen picks flowers from her garden for a well-placed arrangement on the dinner table.

Act II: Peter admires Jen's Tunbridge Fair-caliber zucchini.

Act III: Without warning, Peter does his "goat at a petting zoo" impression with tortilla chips.

Act IV: We feast on a wonderful spread. Jen serves salad from her new bowl made from a huge tree knot.

Act V: We end the evening with a screening of Grey Gardens. Here little Edie shares with us the perfect outfit for the day. Peter falls asleep and when its all over we debate the degree to which Big and Little Edie are exploited.

The End.


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